Al Kashif – Automated Customer Profiling Platform

Company Name: iHorizons Media and Information Services

Project Title: Al Khashif – Automated Customer Profiling Platform

Al Kashif, a product developed by iHorizons under QSTP’s Product Development Fund (PDF), is an Automated Customer Profiling Platform that automatically retrieves, stores and analyzes consumers’ social network data, with the purpose of enabling our enterprise customers to understand individual consumers and address them with relevant offerings.

This product mines consumer data from various first-party and third-party sources and builds progressively more accurate, live profiles of those consumers. It can then be integrated with standard marketing tools to address narrowly focused customer interests and needs.

Al Kashif is offered in an on-premise model and as a cloud service. In both cases it can integrate with the enterprise’s internal customer data sources.

The product has been purchased by one large client and has been fully and successfully implemented. Additionally, we are having active discussions around adding new features that are requested by some potential customers, who are interested in injecting investments to expand the product scope.

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