Business Situational Analysis and Growth (BSAG) Framework

Company Name:  Magaza Trading W.L.L

Project Title: Business Situational Analysis and Growth (BSAG) Framework

Ecommerce platform with the objective of enabling small businesses in making data-driven decisions using:

1- Tracking: integrated and developed tools within Magaza application to monitor and analyze customers’ behavior.

2- Aggregation and analysis: A Compute Engine is being developed with main functionalities to be: dynamically aggregating product prices and reviews from database, analyzing collected reviews, and handling HTTP requests from the mobile app.

3- Testing and validation System:

  • advertisement module that enables administrators to prioritize and control sorting of listed products and categories from backend to frontend
  • The surveying module enables administrators to push customized and targeted feedback question to the mobile platform users based on custom user attributes and events.

4- Recommendation Engineer: development of the recommendation system and products clustering using Item-to-Item and User-to-User collaborative filtering techniques

This project is dedicated to the development of a unique framework that consists of proprietary technology, toolkits and knowledge bases with the objective of increasing ecommerce businesses growth rate. This framework embraces human-centered design methodologies and relies on multi-layered input system to collect content.

Bridging the gap between business and customers

  • Provide data-driven insights on best business growth opportunities
  • Provide practical business performance reports and experiment-guided analytics
  • Derive customer-based product improvement strategies
  • Direct the use of technology towards feasible business objectives

Disrupting business problem-solving

BSAG framework produce deeper insights to help business truly understand customers so they can gain more new ones, retain current ones and turn them all into advocates for the brands.