Cyber Intelligence & Incident Coordination Centre

Company Name: STA QSTP – LLC

Project Title: Cyber Intelligence & Incident Coordination Centre

The Cyber Intelligence and Incident Co-ordination Centre project is part of the collaboration between STA and Senseta during the course of the Product Development Fund Project.

The aim is to enable governments and organizations increase effectiveness and timeliness of decision-making and preventative measures to social engineering-based cyber threats through ingestion of large, diverse and heterogeneous data sets in near real time. The project included use of geographical context of events to enable advanced analysis and application of mathematical and machine learning models to expose unexpected patterns, anomalies and threats that were undetectable with traditional technologies. The advanced analysis was coupled with innovative visualization tools to discover previously hidden patterns and anomalies.

The Cyber Intelligence and Incident Co-ordination Centre is built on Senseta’s proven Big Data Analytics Center (BDAC), a fully featured, end-to-end, onsite & secured Data Science & Analytics facility. BDAC coordinates multi-source data-driven science systems & Artificial Intelligence methodologies.