Diet Hub

Company Name: Tech Hub

Project Title: Diet Hub

DietHub is an online platform that connects people interested in losing/gaining weight and living healthy lifestyle (referred to as clients) with nutrition experts and health coaches (referred to as coaches).

Through the platform, clients subscribe to coaching packages where the coaches will be providing a food and exercise plan, water consumption rates, and lifestyle program that is tailored to the client’s need.

DietHub opens a one-to-one channel between the client and the coach to allow daily communication and follow-ups which enhance the user experience and the success rate of the diet journey.

Clients use DietHub mobile application (available in both App Store and Google Play) to subscribe to coaching packages, communicate with their coaches, check their tailored program, and track their progress.

Coaches use the DietHub Coaches mobile application (available in both App Store and Google Play) to communicate with their clients. Coaches uses DietHub web portal to create the programs and monitor the client’s performance.

Twitter: @DietHubApp
Instagram: @diethub
Facebook: @DietHubApp