Majoor Marketing & Delivery

Company Name: Majoor

Project Title: Majoor Marketing & Delivery

Majoor is Qatar’s first “one-stop” digital healthcare platform that will allow users to obtain from the comfort of their home almost all of the services they receive from regular hospitals and clinics (including doctor appointments, online consultations, lab medical tests, online purchase and home delivery of medications, etc.). This will allow them to get a higher quality of life by minimizing hospital trips for only resource-intensive requirements (such as specialized consultations, or surgery) and enable Qatar’s tertiary medical system (Hamad Hospital and allied hospitals) to deal with only urgent cases. This platform thus provides Qatar with options to rationalize future investments in healthcare infrastructure after considering this innovation to the existing healthcare business model. It also helps achieve the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030 by contributing to a knowledge-based and healthy society, where Majoor allows healthcare-related knowledge and treatment to be available at one’s fingertip.