Smart Edutainment App (Haya) (هيَا)

Company Name: Al-Doha Link LLC

Project Title: Smart Edutainment App (Haya) (هيَا)

An entertaining educational application has latest and most new exciting technologies with Arabic identity and culture attractive to the child and safe of them and their identity and culture of Arab-nature also depending on Augmented Reality.

It is a learning platform that using the latest technologies in education with entertainment and interactive contents -The app is in the favourite Arabic resource for children, Target audience – Children from 4 – 12 years (male & female) .The APP will implement the Marker Based AR “Augmented Reality “. Marker Based AR Image recognition is an imperative component of augmented reality systems. By use of identifying visual markers already embedded within the system, physical world objects are detected for superimposition of virtual elements. In order for The App application to estimate the orientation and position of a camera with respect to the real-world frame.