UISEE: Autonomous Driving Solutions for Smart Automotive Logistics

As a leading autonomous driving company in China, UISEE is committed to providing AI driving service for all industries and all scenarios and building AI drivers that empower a new ecology of mobility and logistics. Since its foundation in February 2016, UISEE has taken root in the global market and insisted on local R&D.

Main Technologies of UISEE:

  • Autonomous Driving Algorithms: Advanced programming that enables vehicles to drive autonomously.
  • Cloud-based Operation Management Platform: A centralized system for managing vehicle operations, including route planning and obstacle avoidance.
  • Automotive-grade Intelligent Driving Controller (U-Drive®): A high-performance controller designed for AI driving applications across various industries and scenarios.
  • Vehicle-road-cloud Collaboration: Integration between the vehicle, infrastructure, and cloud computing for optimized operation.
  • Intelligent Driving Simulation: Simulated environments for testing and refining autonomous driving systems.
  • Data Management and High-precision Maps: Essential for accurate navigation and situational awareness.
  • Perceptual Recognition, Decision & Planning: AI capabilities for identifying objects and making driving decisions.
  • Fusion Localization and Executive Control: Combining data from different sources for precise vehicle positioning and movement control.
  • V2X/Remote Controller: Vehicle-to-everything communications and remote control capabilities.

Benefits to Qatar Science and Technology Park and Qatar Ecosystem:

  • Innovation Hub: Integrating UISEE’s technologies could position QSTP as a leading hub for autonomous vehicle research and innovation.
  • Efficiency in Logistics and Transportation: By adopting UISEE’s solutions, Qatar can enhance operational efficiency in airport logistics, crucial for a hub like Hamad International Airport.
  • Technology Transfer: Partnership with UISEE could facilitate technology transfer, fostering local expertise in autonomous vehicle technologies.
  • Sustainability: Autonomous electric vehicles can contribute to Qatar’s sustainability goals by reducing carbon emissions in logistics and transportation.
  • Economic Development: Leveraging these technologies could attract investment and talent, supporting Qatar’s vision for a diversified economy focused on knowledge and innovation.
  • Safety and Reliability: With a record of significant operational mileage without accidents, UISEE’s technologies promise enhanced safety and reliability, aligning with Qatar’s high standards for public and cargo transport.
  • Research and Development Opportunities: Collaborations with UISEE can open pathways for joint R&D projects, contributing to the global advancement of autonomous driving technology.
  • In essence, UISEE’s autonomous driving solutions present a compelling opportunity for Qatar Science and Technology Park and the broader Qatari ecosystem to advance in technology-driven transportation, bolstering efficiency, safety, and sustainability.